Saturday, May 11, 2024

Aurora Over India: Ladakh's Rare Encounter with the Northern Lights


Northern Lights, also known as the aurora borealis, graced Ladakh's skies at latitudes of 34-36°N, a rare sight for such southern regions.
Photograph of the Aurora Borealis in Ladakh's Hanle area
Aurora borealis in Ladakh's Hanle area photographed:(Twitter)
Ladakh, India: In a remarkable celestial event, the aurora borealis, typically confined to polar regions, graced the skies of India in a rare display. The Indian Astronomical Observatory captured this extraordinary phenomenon above Mount Saraswati in Ladakh's Hanle region, marking a historic first for the country. Known as the Northern Lights, this luminous spectacle is a rare occurrence at lower latitudes like Ladakh's 34-36°N.

Despite its mid-latitude location, Ladakh experienced an intense G4 geomagnetic storm, classified by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center. This event, triggered by a coronal mass ejection, mirrors a similar occurrence in April 2023, emphasizing the dynamic nature of solar activity.

Explaining the phenomenon, Dr. Ravi A V Kumar, Scientific Officer of the Institute for Plasma Research Centre, elucidated the interplay between solar flares and Earth's magnetic field. These charged particles from the sun interact with the upper atmosphere, producing the vibrant colors of the Aurora. While awe-inspiring, solar flares can disrupt satellite communications and other technologies, underscoring the need for vigilance.

This rare celestial display extended beyond India's borders, captivating observers worldwide. From Russia to Germany and even Australia's southern territory of Tasmania, the aurora borealis and its counterpart, the aurora australis, mesmerized onlookers with their ethereal beauty. As humanity marvels at these celestial wonders, we are reminded of the intricate dance between Earth and the cosmos, a spectacle that transcends geographical boundaries and captivates the human spirit.

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